",n.parentNode.insertBefore(a,n)};if(!!document.cookie.match(/cookieConsent=true/))window.gaf(); ',{'anonymize_ip':true,'forceSSL':true});


Your privacy is, of course, important to me and your data has never been, nor will ever be shared with a third party. Following the introduction of the EU law regarding privacy (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679) I thought I would confirm this is still the case. I don’t know where the EU law applies, although it seems to be used everywhere. Best to be safe than sorry. I have been forced to use cookies solely to enable some PayPal buttons.

Your credit card payment is processed by PayPal either on its website or sometimes on the page for the item you are purchasing as in the case of Seventh Heaven due to new PayPal requirements, but your card details are not seen nor shared with me.

Webmaster, Mike Hutchinson:

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Copyright Mike Hutchinson 2022


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