- • You teach any spectator to read minds.
- • Spectators cause cards to float out from the deck, and even rise inside the card case.
- • You divine a secret drawing while it is still face-down on the table.
- • The lazy man's Triumph effect - it's virtually sleight-free.
- • A coin trick without coins.
- • Spectators throw a number of imaginary dice - you have predicted the total.
- • Someone thinks of any word among dozens in a newspaper, and you divine it without any questions.
- • You can read cards even when they're still in the card case.
- • The words on two spectator's business cards spell out chosen cards.
- • A card trick without cards.
- • A coin is dropped into a goblet and disappears, to appear anywhere you like.
- • Paul Curry's Out of this World - but with a borrowed and shuffled deck.
- • The ultimate Card at any Number: Spectators do all their own shuffling and dealing.
- • The holy grail of diary tricks: with a borrowed, shuffled deck.
10 x 7 inches (246 x 175 mm) softback
Photographic illustrations
£25 including postage anywhere in the world.
This title may be made available as an e-book in 2019. Please contact the webmaster if you would like to be notified when this happens.